Sustainability Policy

Sustainability & Environmental Management Policy – V2

The directors and team at Carritech recognise the importance of environmental issues.  Waste, plastics and pollution contribute to global warming and negatively impact on nature and the balance of our fragile planet.  Sustainability is fundamental to our business and we are committed to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment and improving our environmental performance.

The key points of our strategy to achieve this are:

  • Communicate this policy to all interested parties.
  • Commitment to the prevention of pollution.
  • Avoid, minimize, and mitigate any adverse environmental impacts caused by our operations where possible.
  • Actively promote reusing and recycling both internally and amongst our customers and suppliers.
  • Maintain our 100% regulatory compliance record.
  • Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company.
  • Provide evidence of our EMS aspects and impacts as documented information.
  • Focus on all opportunities for zero waste recycling.
  • Assure all applicable interested parties are aware of our philosophy, objectives and obligations to our impacts on the environment via effective communications such as toolbox talks, procedures, policies, awareness training and feedback including the reporting of incidents.
  • Assure commitment to applicable legislation and compliance through ISO 14001.
  • Actively seek and promote new ideas from our team and stakeholders.

In addition to this, we have taken some internal measures applicable to our different offices:

  • Use of public transport/car sharing.
  • Only running PHEV and EV vehicles within our fleet.
  • Improving energy efficiency in our premises.
  • Use of recycled packaging.
  • Create and promote a packaging charter amongst our trading partners.
  • Ensure the proper handling and disposal of all wastes including control of substances that can pollute land, air and water systems.
  • Locate local companies whom can benefit from packaging that we no longer use.

The policy statement will be regularly reviewed and updated, as necessary. The management team endorses these policy statements and is fully committed to their implementation.

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