Are you scrapping your unwanted telecommunications equipment unnecessarily?

Are you scrapping your unwanted telecommunications equipment unnecessarily?

As organisations are coming under increasing pressure to meet standards and reduce their impact on the environment, as well as general awareness of these issues increasing around the world, it can be easy to assume that scrapping your telecommunications equipment with schemes like the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) initiative is the best thing to do.

Compared with immediate disposal of these products and sending them to landfill, it is certainly the right thing to do. However, there is an alternative solution, which will often generate more revenue than scrapping your equipment, as well as increasing the lifespan of the equipment itself.

Refurbish, Repair, Re-use, Recycle and Reap the Rewards.

Let’s imagine that your equipment is faulty, you feel like it no longer has any value to your organisation, and it is taking up room on your premises and gathering dust. You can scrap the item, it’s quick and you’ll get some revenue back for what is currently a dormant asset.

Alternatively, if you were to send the item to be refurbished or repaired first, even if you no longer need the item yourself, the value of the item will immediately increase. At that point, you now have an asset of increased value which can be re-used either in your own network or re-sold to another operator.

This process of recycling immediately brings life back to the equipment, reduces your impact on the environment and generates revenue for your organisation along the way.

At first glance this process might seem longer and more complicated than simply sending it to be scrapped, however, by partnering with a reputable telecommunication repair provider such as Carritech, all of the hard work is taken off your hands.

If you are looking to repair the equipment for re-use in your own network the process is extremely straightforward. All you need to do is either send the products to us or ask us to arrange the collection of the items for you. From that point, for small quantities or individual parts, we receive the equipment at one of our repair labs (the location is dependent on which provides you with the fastest solution for your business) and get to work with testing the product and identifying the fault. We will then repair the product and return it to you along with a detailed test report. It really is as simple as that.

If you are looking to repair your equipment for resale to another operator, there are two options. We can repair the item and return it (as above) for you to resell yourself. Or, alternatively, we can market the product for you, utilising our industry connections, market insight and reseller platforms to ensure that the maximum revenue is generated for your item(s). We can take care of everything else, including shipping the items to the new owner.

If you have a large quantity of equipment or are looking to decommission currently operational equipment and would like to generate revenue that way, we can also achieve this through our asset management scheme.

These options are a way for your organisation to reduce your impact on the environment and benefit from increased revenues.

If you have any questions regarding our telecom repair services, resale or asset management services, please feel free to contact us directly. A member of our team will be happy to assist you with your enquiry.

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