Комплексное, устойчивое решение для поддержки вашей телекоммуникационной сети.

Комплексное, устойчивое решение для поддержки for your telecommunication network
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Телекоммуникационные узлы находящиеся на технической поддержке 3-го уровня
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Мы специализируемся на поддержке устаревшего телекоммуникационного оборудования.

Carritech является опытным поставщиком поддержки телекоммуникационных сетей, специализирующимся на поставках и постоянной поддержке устаревшего оборудования. Мы уравновешиваем потребность в устойчивом развитии с бизнес-моделью, которая приносит максимальный доход нашим клиентам.

Наша управленческая команда имеет многолетний опыт работы в отрасли операторских телекоммуникаций, который помог разработать и усовершенствовать каждую из наших основных услуг: поставку запасных частей, управление активами, удаленную техническую поддержку, аппаратную поддержку и переработку WEEE.

We support products from a wide range of manufacturers, including...

Мы стремимся к качеству обслуживания и устойчивому развитию.

Maintaining telecom equipment creates significant savings vs replacing it with new products.

Telecom Support Services

Продажа подержанного телекоммуникационного оборудования приносит доход вашему бизнесу.
Выбор использованных продуктов снижает влияние производственного процесса.

Устойчивое будущее

Предложение подержанных продуктов на телекоммуникационном рынке позволяет избежать попадания отходов на свалку.

Создание ценности в устойчивой телекоммуникациях.

Maximise your network’s operations with the support of highly experienced engineers based all around the world.

Мы предлагаем нашим клиентам доступ к нашим услугам удаленной технической поддержки, предоставляя их предприятиям возможность воспользоваться экспертной помощью для своих сетей 24 часа в сутки, 7 дней в неделю.

Minimise disruption.

Купить. Продать. Обновить.

Простая, оптимизированная и профессиональная услуга по управлению активами, доступная в любой точке мира.

Carritech может управлять вашими избыточными активами и обеспечить вам максимальную доступную отдачу от ваших инвестиций. Наша политика заключается в перепродаже, а затем, в крайнем случае, переработке, предоставляя вам максимальную ценность для вашего оборудования.

Проще говоря, Carritech будет собирать, инвентаризировать, продавать и продавать ваше избыточное оборудование, которое в противном случае обесценилось бы на складе или, что еще хуже, было бы отключено и оставалось неиспользуемым в комнате связи. Мало того, что у вас есть обесценивающийся актив, но, скорее всего, вы будете платить за премиальное пространство для оборудования, которое никогда не будет использоваться снова.

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Yuliya Danilenko

Account Manager

Yuliya Danilenko has over four years of experience as an International Account Manager, specializing in Level 3 Remote Technical Support.

She assists large-scale multinational organizations, fixed and mobile operators, and leading equipment manufacturers worldwide in supporting legacy telecom equipment, generating additional revenue, and reducing operational expenses (OPEX).

In her leisure time, she loves travelling and exploring different cultures.

Javier Amado

Account Manager

As an international Account Manager for Carritech Telecommunications, Javier assists large fixed and mobile operators in supporting their legacy telecom equipment, particularly in Italy and LATAM. He ensures that the company delivers the best value to customers across all services specialized in legacy telecom equipment.

In his free time, Javier enjoys sports and is an avid fan of soccer and motorsports, including Formula 1 and MotoGP. He also considers himself a lifelong learner, seizing every opportunity for growth.

Aligned with the values of Carritech, Javier is committed to helping more operators worldwide achieve their environmental goals and continue to leave a positive footprint.

Christian Mekdad

Account Manager

Christian brings over a decade of IT industry experience and 5 years in the telecom industry to his role as an Account Manager at Carritech, with a focus on optical transceiver solutions and GPON technology.

As a trilingual person speaking French, Spanish and English, he manages operations in French-speaking countries and communicates with international traders from around the world. Christian will step outside his comfort zone to find the most effective solutions to your challenges.

In his free time, Christian enjoys playing rugby and trekking in the mountains of Madrid.

Luis Alvarez

Account Manager

Luis Alvarez brings more than 5 years of experience in the telecom industry. With a focus on optical transceiver solutions, he adeptly meets the diverse needs of Carritech’s international clientele, particularly in Spain and Latin America.

Known for his consultative approach, Luis ensures clients receive customised, effective network solutions.

When not enhancing telecom infrastructures, Luis enjoys working out, exploring scenic routes with his dog and participating in local events.

Shane Driver

Senior Account Manager

Shane Driver brings over 12 years of telecom industry experience to his role as Senior Account Manager at Carritech.

With a focus on Network Hardware Support Services, Shane meets the diverse needs of Carritech’s international clients, particularly in the UK, Ireland, and mainland Europe. Known for his customer-centric approach, Shane ensures his clients receive support solutions that align with their unique requirements.

Outside of telecommunications, Shane enjoys swimming, playing golf, and spending time with his young family.

Yura Saskevych

Director of Global Accounts

Yura Saskevych has over a decade of vast experience in sales of telecommunication hardware and network services support. He is the Director of Global Accounts at Carritech and holds a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering.

Having been focused extensively on transport (Optical and MW), Access and Core Networks, Yura has successfully helped customers worldwide extend the life of existing telecommunication networks, reduce expenses and meet their environmental goals.

With a strong background in the telecom industry, Yura will engage with clients with a customised approach, provide required solutions and ensure that their telecom systems are running smoothly.

Adept at working simultaneously on multiple accounts with the highest accuracy and professional salesmanship Yura collaborates closely with engineers, technicians, the procurement department and project managers to plan, adapt, and optimize customer network solutions.

Yura is passionate about delivering innovative and cost-effective solutions that meet performance, security, and quality standards.

When he’s not enhancing telecom infrastructures, he enjoys doing sports, gardening and exploring scenic routes.

Miguel Asín Barcos

Sales Director

Miguel Asín Barcos serves as the Sales Director at Carritech, where he focuses on driving revenue growth and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Based in Madrid, Miguel draws on his more than 20 years of experience in the telecom industry to lead and support his sales team.

Outside of telecommunications, he enjoys football, watching movies, and spending time with his family.

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